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Yours till hell
Professor Completed
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After a one night stand on New Year’s Eve, Lia and Derrick don’t expect to see one another again. After all, she’s a Harvard PhD student and he’s a professional hockey player for the Boston Knights – there’s no way their paths should cross again. Except when they do, it’s immediately obvious the chemistry between them hasn’t dimmed one bit. Too busy for the real thing, neither of them sees the harm in continuing to see each other in a casual sense. Though when Derrick gets traded to a team in California and things begin to go sideways with Lia’s research team, the pair can’t seem to shake the fact they’ve grown to rely on one another, even now that they’re thousands of miles apart. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 59 Chapters
Yours till hell ÉPILOGUE ️ ️
One Year Later, November I glanced at the clock hanging on the side wall and saw that it was twenty after four. Being that it was a Friday afternoon,
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« You go, » Derrick said. « Okay, well, I was just going to ask why you were really here, » I said. « Because while I don't doubt you remembered toda
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« And that's why I believe, using the last method I presented before you here, there is an evident pathway to explore full synthetic cell generation.
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« What do you mean ? Aren't you coming to visit Lia ? » « Um, we actually broke up, » I said. « At least I think we did. » There was silence for a m
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« You know it, » I agreed, and the two of us fist bumped. « So, what are your plans for the off-season ? » he asked, taking a seat on the bench next
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My mom was quiet for a moment. « Well, it's been, what, three weeks since you've seen each other ? » « About that, yeah. » « Then my guess is you're
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Those words, while upfront and honest, put an ache in the back of my throat. All that work, down the drain. Completely and utterly useless now. « But
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Taken aback by her directness, I was stunned speechless, and watched as her eyes widened once she realized what had slipped out. « I'm sorry, » she w
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« Your girlfriend lives in Texas ? » I asked. « Fiancée, » he corrected. « No shit. » He chuckled. « Some of the guys give me shit about it, especi
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While the concepts behind Miles' research were explained, I momentarily flashed back to the two of us watching a defense in this very room at the end
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