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Escaped from the mafia
Professor Completed
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Getting chased by the Japanese Mafia with a hot girl probably isn’t on your top ten of romantic first dates. The morning after Halloween, Kaya wakes up handcuffed to a beautiful stranger. Forced together on the run, it quickly becomes obvious that the lethal, terrifying girl chained to her, who can take out ten armed men with one hand, isn’t who she says she is. With an enemy at every turn, Kaya has no choice but to trust her instincts━and a runaway Mafia boss. ...
Latest Chapters Contents 86 Chapters
Escaped from the mafia 86
With her other hand, Veah's knuckles graze the underside of my breasts. Her touch on me is demanding, territorial, and I know I can't last much longer
Escaped from the mafia 85
My knees buckle as the first officer says, « Your wife has been in a car accident, Miss Rivers. » No, no, no. This can't be happening. The second of
Escaped from the mafia 84
A bridge. On either side, pale pink cherry blossom trees grow. Petals fall to the ground, like fragments of a dawn sky. The river glints like a ribbo
Escaped from the mafia 83
A weak chuckle rasps out of me. « Oh, she was really polite. She told me she was going to let me have a shred of happiness before she ripped it away .
Escaped from the mafia 82
Okami is suddenly right above me. Like a mother cradling her child, her hands are on either side of my face. « Goodnight, Kaya, » she whispers, her g
Escaped from the mafia 81
And I think of the church. The pale golden bowl on the altar. Where Veah's blood once dripped, filling it. Sealing her loyalty. Even if tomorrow we
Escaped from the mafia 80
I try my best to concentrate as she plunges one finger up to the knuckle inside of me. « How do we breach her security ? » Veah's grin is wry. « It
Escaped from the mafia 79
My attention snaps back to Mai. She is suddenly gripping a woman's throat in her hand. « I'm―not trying to hurt you, » the woman wheezes. « My name i
Escaped from the mafia 78
Her eyes widen. « What a dirty mouth you have, » she whispers. « Veah ? » She looks at me, and I think I am forgetting something. What can't I reme
Escaped from the mafia 77
The blade cleaves through the table, halving silk and ceramic alike. It takes me a moment to realize I'm still alive. « Mithridatism, » Veah says, t
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